Are You The Venom Or The Cure?
One of the groups of animals I am most fascinated with are pit vipers and other venomous snakes. They are perceived as something inherently evil and of no value to humankind but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I genuinely believe that if God created it then it’s good and sometimes we just have to dig and find its goodness. In the case of pit vipers and other not so favorable venomous snakes there is the potential for benefit to humans through the very thing people are afraid of, the venom. Did you know that scientists are using snake venom to help find cures and treatments to things such as cancer, strokes, heart problems and etc? Venom is all a matter of context. To those on the receiving end of an angry bite venom produces death, but to those in the operating room being treated with a serum derived of snake venom, it brings life.
The same thing is true with the words we speak as Christians to an unbelieving world. Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” I don’t think it’s a coincidence that this verse references the tongue and eating fruit. If we rewind scripture a few chapters back we are reminded of an event that took place in Genesis chapter 3 where a snake deceived Adam and Eve and they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Once they tasted of that tree they were no longer allowed to eat from the tree of life.
When we use our tongue to bash fellow Christians or say things to offend those in the world then we are not eating from the tree of life. We are speaking death and even though the words we may be saying may have the essence of life to them, the context in which they are received relegates them to death. We must choose our words carefully and truly try to speak the truths of God in love so that they are received in the proper context. Are you the venom or the cure?
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