Slowing Down Isn’t Giving Up I noticed while hiking recently that during to course of my briskly paced walk I startled more wildlife than I was able to adequately observe because I was in a hurry. I wasn’t on a schedule and there wasn’t really a deadline for how long I was to be in the woods that day, so where was I going so fast? How many times do we just move around at such a break neck speed that we fail to see the beauty that surrounds us? Where are we going and does it really matter if we get there a few minutes earlier? We often try so hard to get to the next thing that we miss the now. Why are you in such a hurry? What is it that you're trying to accomplish?
I love the way Eugene Peterson’s Message Bible translates Jeremiah 2:25 where it says “Slow down. Take a deep breath. What's the hurry? Why wear yourself out? Just what are you after anyway? But you say, 'I can't help it. I'm addicted to alien gods. I can't quit.” We know that if we are running in the direction of the Lord then we can “run and not grow weary” as it says in Isaiah 40:31 but can you honestly say you’re running is for the Lord? Sometimes our best motives and self-righteousness can appear Godly to outsiders looking in but at the end of the day we may just be trying to earn a salvation we already have.
Sometimes it seems easier to just go go go and not sit in the abiding presence of the Father. We know that Jesus gives us rest and if we are chasing after His heart then we will be sustained no matter the pace of our walk. When was the last time you just sat at the feet of Jesus?
Take the story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38-42, Mary was commended for taking the time to worship Jesus despite all the things that needed to be done and Martha was rebuked for not taking advantage of the present moment. It says that Martha was “distracted by all the preparations that had to be made…” and Mary “sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what He said.” Which are you doing? Are you living in the present moment and recognizing not only the beauty that surrounds you but the author of all beauty, or are you wearing yourself out with tasks and distractions and completely missing the moment?