As the chill of winter begins to loosen it's grip I am getting more and more excited about this coming season of filming with Catching Creation. God has some big things in store and I want to invite YOU to participate with Catching Creation. As many of you know I operate as a traveling minister and get to preach God's word all over the Southeast with my animal buddies. I love my "job" and am truly excited about seeing the lights come on in people's heads when I give a Gospel presentation in a way they may have never heard it. I rely on the kindness of love offerings and honorariums to keep this ministry going. I am in need of your prayers in this season of our ministry. I believe Catching Creation is called to do BIG things and I am excited to announce that the Lord is beginning to build a really solid team of volunteers to help me film my new DVD this year. As many of you know my DVDs encompass aspects of evangelism, ministry, wildlife conservation and all around fun for the whole family. The DVDs (and Youtube show) are a way for me to minister long after I leave a community as well as a way to weekly teach those subscribers and other viewers on my site. I believe this is a valid form of ministry and lives are truly being changed through Catching Creation. I have had people tell me that the Catching Creation videos helped restore their relationship with Jesus and others have said it has brought their family closer together. That's exactly my heart for this ministry, to promote family and deeper relationships with Jesus. There are several things we still need going into this new season of filming. Catching Creation really needs a legitimate primary camera to film with. If you feel inclined to help support Catching Creation in that regard I have attached a link to an Amazon wish list with a few items that we will need for this upcoming filming season. There will also be opportunities to help us along the journey this season as well. We would like to film in new locations that require us to travel outside of NC. Our first scheduled film shoot is in the Blacksburg, SC area and we will be talking about salamanders and being good stewards of God's creation. We also are praying and planning to visit South Florida to film invasive and exotic wildlife, there are also opportunities to work with missionaries in Costa Rica, Cambodia, and the Philippines this year. So with all of that said we need your prayers and support! Thank you for being on this journey with us and I pray that people are brought into a real relationship with Jesus through this ministry.